
Роман Чумак | +7 916 827 36 06 | | Vimeo | Facebook | Artstation |

Now I'm working on

Now I'm working on my third game..

Time Slice Test

Some R&D for recent project.. Wrote Blender add-on for performing time slicing with motion blur.. Soon I'll share this add-on.. = )


Product visualization for DO-RA.Q in blister packs for retail..
Package design by K2D
Client: Intersoft Eurasia


Concept design for a keychain-size dosimeter-radiometer based on printed circuit board..
Client: Intersoft Eurasia

Police Drone

"God forbid to see russian riot, senseless and merciless.."
Concept for a spontaneous sci-fi short film.. = )

Blender add-on: YetiTools 0.10.6

Restrict/Allow viewport selection on selected layers
Show/Hide wire on selected objects
Repeat last operations (selected from Info bar) for all selected objects
Apply Union Boolean to all selected objects
Smart UV Project for selected objects
Select objects by Pass Index (PI)
Assign Pass Index (PI) to selected objects
Make Compositing node group for exporting passes separately
GL Render mask for selected objects
Adjust camera transforms for exporting to Unreal Engine via FBX 6.1 ASCII
Rename materials by textures names
Batch Export selected objects to FBX files

Tools we use at yeTiVision studio..

3T-ON Mech

Done within two days..

Thanks Benson Abrigilskij for a weekend challenge! = )